Friday, February 22, 2013

The Oscars

I think this is the first Academy Awards where I have not seen any film nominated for a major award. My daughter has not even seen Brave. After looking through all the categories I realized that the only film I had seen was Mirror Mirror. It was an okay film, but I didn't want to put the trailer up on the blog for some reason. I feel somewhat pathetic that is the only film I have seen. Interestingly, a song from the film Chasing Ice is nominated and my professor from undergrad is one of the producers of the film! So let's all cheer for it.

In all honesty, I am not really that interested in seeing the majority of the films nominated. Nothing really screamed out to me that I should go see it. So that is my excuse. Of course I will watch all of the award show and if we weren't in the middle of the move I might even have had some people over. Oh well. Hopefully next year.

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