Thursday, March 28, 2013

Hello Boulder!

This is the view from one of our new favorite coffee shops to frequent on Pearl Street. It is only a few steps away from the Boulder Bookstore, which is my daughter's favorite place to visit and only a couple doors away from where Ballet Arts used to be located. Sigh.

My daughter and I usually visit a coffee shop once a week or so for an outing. In a past life I was a barista for beaucoup years. I rocked a dry skim cappuccino that people would request for me to make (one of my cappuccino fans, in Chapel Hill, was Daniel Wallace who wrote Big Fish). This week we visited the Brewing Market  at Basmar (I worked at the Village Brewing Market during and after college) and my daughter ordered a decaf chai and after choosing a table to sit out opened her backpack, proceeded to pull out various notebooks and a pencil. Apparently, she needed to get some writing done. This was her plan for going to the coffee shop that day; of which I was unaware. I wish she needed to get writing done when I need to get editing done.

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