Friday, April 19, 2013

Ikea Booty

 We finally made it to Ikea. Yay! Now we will spend nearly all weekend trying to install and build everything. Hopefully by, err, Tuesday our house will feel more settled.

For one project we bought these Ikea stools that I am planning on spray painting gold and using a cushion top of it. The idea came from this tutorial though I am not planning on using lambskin. Both my daughter and I are  new proud owners of vanities, but we need some stools. For mine we have been using a really tiny children's stool for the past week and it works, but this will be better.

The bulk of what I got yesterday was for curtains (I know it is hard to see because everything is in bags). I have some horrible built in cabinets with a Murphy bed that I am planning on covering up with curtains. Anything should look better. Here's to a successful weekend for all.

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