Sunday, March 24, 2013

Leaving the Lofts

When we first moved to Downtown Denver I remember worrying that the lights and street noises would keep my awake, but arriving back in Boulder the darkness and stillness has made sleeping harder. As the weeks go by it gets a little better, but I still think I prefer the city noises. Maybe I need a night light and one of those machines that make noises. (When I lived in Wilmington, NC, I had one that made sounds of the ocean, but I think it was more to block out the sounds of our neighbors fighting)

I took a bunch of pictures our last night in Denver and have been wanting to post them, but I used my phone and Google, in trying to get people to migrate over to Google+, somehow made it impossible to send pictures from your phone to Picasa. It just stopped working one day a few weeks ago. I searched online and found that many people where experiencing the same issues as me, which is always a relief - knowing your are not alone when things are going wrong. Combining this lack of picture access along with my stress over moving has kept me away from the blog for awhile, but I should be back now. And, somehow, I got one picture to migrate over and it was the best one!

The disorganization of our new house has been a huge distraction for me. We have limited kitchen cabinets and I there were many built-in elements of our loft that I relied on as furniture so I have been working all of that out and it has left me exhausted. On Saturday we had a ridiculous snow storm and I know have pictures on the wall and that really makes me feel like my house is a home. More soon.

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