Sunday, July 18, 2010

Lazy, Rainy Weekend

We had a very lazy weekend. On Saturday it rained heavily starting at about 10:00 am. I was a little bummed because we were out garage sale-ing and everything got rained out. I had been hoping to find an old chair that I could paint and reupholster, but we only made it to three sales. Once we got home we spent the rest of the day watching movies and being lazy.

Today the rained cleared and we went to see the Warhol exhibit currently showing at the Weatherspoon Museum at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro.  Though Polaroids have gotten a lot of press with the Impossible Project and Lady GaGa, seeing Warhol's Polaroids made me more interested in instant photography. It was also fun watching my daughter at the museum both her interacting with people and looking at the photographs/paintings. Of course, she wanted to touch the paintings, but beyond that she was really good and the security guard wanted us to bring her back.

Since we had spent all day Saturday inside we wanted to go out to eat, but everything (other than the chain restaurants) were closed. We were bummed. I'm not sure why so many restaurants close on Sundays. For some reason on Sundays we are ready to eat out and the only restaurants open are places we don't want to eat. Oh well.

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